Crazy people on my WhatsApp list

1. Someone on his status “Sleeping” since 3 Days! He’s Probably dead. 2. Someone is “Driving” since 5 days! I guess he reached Dubai!!! 3. Someone’s status is “Happy” since 1 Month. Living in Paradise??? 4. Someone is always ‘Available’. How free Are you????? 5. From first day their status is, ‘Hey there! I’m using … Read more

10 Stupid Questions People Ask About Your Tablet

Tablets have been around for a while. But it seems that some people just don’t want to accept their existence. Or understand people who own them. That’s why people who are naïve enough to brandish their tablets in public get bombarded with the following questions. 1. “Does your tablet have a touch screen?” You: No. … Read more

Funny creativity images for whatsapp and facebook

Here are some Funny creativity images for whatsapp and facebook 😀 😀 😀 ======================================================================= ======================================================================= ======================================================================= =======================================================================

ICC Cricket World Cup 2015: Jokes about Amitabh Bachchan’s commentary during India Vs Pakistan match go viral!

Sr Bachchan made his debut as a cricket commentator today, while many were singing praises for the actor, some didn’t miss a chance to troll him on Twitter With his famed baritone, Amitabh Bachchan on Sunday (February 15) donned the hat of a cricket commentator during the World Cup match between India and Pakistan at … Read more

Top 10 husband and wife funny messages and jokes

Height of JOB satisfaction A boy was appointed as a Receptionist in a Girls hostel. After 2 months the owner called the boy and said, Why haven’t you come to collect your salary? Boy: Oh my god! SALARY bhi hai!!! ======================================================================================= Prabhu Yeh kya Moh-Maya hai? Apna Baccha roye, toh dil me dard hota hai. … Read more