Funny Animal Jokes – PJ for whatsapp
First dog: My master calls me Furball. How about you?
Second Dog: My master calls me Sitboy!
Q: How do you know an elephant has been in your refrigerator?
A: There are footprints in the butter.
Q: Why does a giraffe have such a long neck?
A: Because his feet stink!
Q: What’s a dog’s favorite food for breakfast?
A: Pooched eggs.
Q: What do you give a pig with a rash?
A: Oinkment.
Q: What do you do if your cat swallows your pencil?
A: Use a pen.
Q: What’s black and white, black and white, black and white and green?
A: Three skunks fighting over a pickle!
Q: What kind of mouse does not eat, drink, or even walk?
A: A computer mouse.
Q: What do you call a dog with a Rolex?
A: A watch dog.
Q: What pine has the longest needles?
A: A porcupine.
Q: What’s worse than a centipede with athlete’s foot?
A: A porcupine with split ends!
Q: Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
A: The chicken wasn’t around yet.
Q: What kind of cars do cats drive?
A: Catillacs!
Q: What do you call a deer that costs a dollar?
A: A buck.
Q: What’s a frog’s favorite drink?
A: Croak-a-cola.
Q: What’s an alligator’s favorite drink?
A: Gator-Ade.
Q: What do you call snake with no clothes on?
A: Snaked.
Q: What did the dog say to the flea?
A: Stop bugging me!
Q: Where do cows go on Saturday night?
A: To the moooooovies.
Q: What do you call a dinosaur that never gives up?
A: A try and try and try-ceratops!
Q: What do you call a dinosaur at the rodeo?
A: A Broncosaurus or a Tyrannosaurus Tex.
Q: What has ears like a cat and a tail like a cat, but is not a cat?
A: A kitten.
Q: Who makes dinosaur clothes?
A: A dino-sewer.
Q: What did the snail say when he got on the turtle’s shell?
A: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Q: Where do sheep get their hair cut?
A: At the baa-baa shop.
This is the funniest joke have seen today.
Thanks for posting this .
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