The Indian Team out of no where has not only qualified for the Quarterfinals Of the ICC Cricket World Cup but they have done so brutally with a 100% Win Record in the First Stage. Only New Zealand have managed the same.
This satire is a Hilarious take on the MERU CABS HAATH HILATE REH GAYE!! AD Campaign.
A Scene where the other qualified teams who might have to play against India are doing a Sting Operation on their biggest Rivals; INDIANS…
It gets Funny and the players are caught in an awkward position. The END is hilarious… Do watch it..
#ICC #CWC2015 #WorldCup #IndiaVsBangladesh #ShakibAlHasan #IndiaVsWestindies #Dhoni #Holder #Spoof #MaukaMauka #wewontgiveitback#IndvWI #IndiaVWestIndies