Best Valentine Day Messages

Cool Valentine Day Messages for Whatsapp and Facebook
You are my Number to Every Thing
You are my Style number
You are my File number
You are my Dance number
You are my Mobile number
You are my House number.
Just be my Heart Beat number.

Just be my Valentine
The Chocolate season’s hereThe Flowering season’s hereThe Heart season’s hereThis Pink ValentineThe Greatest reason’s here.Just be my Valentine

Valentine day is Happiest Day
There is a Busy DayThere is a Funny DayThere is a Rainy DayThere is a Happy DayBut this one’s..My Happiest Day!

My Girls, You are my Princess
My Kingdom’s GoneMy Symptom’s GoneMy Girl,
You are still,My Princess Alone.

Let’s do everything together in this Valentine
V smile at whom V Like,
V smile at whom V Like,
V cry for whom V care,
V laugh with whom we enjoy,
and V become angry with whom
feel is our own…
That’s Friendship…
That’s Love…
Happy Valentine Day Sweet Heart

You are my Love / My Valentine
Liking you is my nature
Missing you is my disappointment
Fighting with you is my Time pass
Forgetting you is never in my life time.

Be My Valentine
My Valentine,
I Love You From Deep My Heart.
Its True Love Is A Crime,
You Steal My Heart,
And I Steal Yours.
All That I Need Is
To Kiss Your Lips Forever

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